Microlasering is a light facial resurfacing treatment that we offer at Bergstrom Aesthetics in Fargo for patients looking for immediate, lasting results with minimal discomfort, and little time off.
The microlasering treatment is intended to eliminate age spots, blemishes, fine lines and minimize acne scars. Laser energy intensely stimulates new collagen growth, leaving your skin tighter, healthier and younger looking.
Each microlasering treatment is followed by medical grade restorative skincare products that deeply penetrate the skin for a full face rejuvenation.
The Opus Plasma has three settings: light, moderate, and aggressive. The microlasering treatment implements the light setting.
The purpose of Opus Plasma® is to cause controlled damage to the skin with tiny injuries, kickstarting a wound-healing response which gradually improving the general quality of the skin.
Since the treatment targets only a fraction of the skin at a time—it opens tiny channels surrounded by unharmed, healthy tissue—there is less damage to other tissues with Opus Plasma®, which means it takes a shorter time to heal.
Skin Conditions:
Fine Lines and wrinkles
Skin laxity
Uneven tone
Unwanted pigmentation
Stretch marks
Acne scars
Droopy eyelids
Erbium lasers are typically offered for more aggressive ablative treatments, however, at Bergstrom Aesthetics we can perform a microlaser treatment by utilizing the non-ablative setting.
Erbium microlasering is a popular option for treating fine lines, wrinkles, skin laxity, and age spots for mild cases of skin damage. More severe skin issues would opt for an aggressive Erbium total skin resurfacing treatment.